Toyota Land Cruiser
Import - Dubaiማስታወቂያ ተፈጥሯልSeptember 01
Make an offer
ስለToyota Land Cruiser
+97155 506 3500
የሰውነት አይነትኮንቨርተብል እና ስቴሽን ዋገንስ
የነዳጅ ዓይነትPetrol
የሙቀት መጠን መቆጣጠሪያ ያለዉN/A
የአነዳድ ሁኔታN/A
የሻጮች አስተያየት
ተጨማሪ ይመልከቱ

ለሻጩ ይደውሉለት
+97155 506 3500

ለሻጩ ይደውሉለት
+97155 506 3500
SK MOTORS PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: 1. Free pick up facility from the airport 2. Free pick and drop facility for showroom tour. 3. Hotel booking service at a lucrative location 4. Dubai visa arrangement 5. Provide assistance for car accessories 6. And much more that would add a lot of value to our customer care section. We have been awarded best UAE Re-Exporter of the year 2014. We have a specialized sales team that guides our clients throughout with quality & professional services. We believe in long term relationship with our clients, because SK Motors cares.