Suzuki 750
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ማስታወቂያ ተፈጥሯልMarch 07
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ስለSuzuki 750
+2772 204 9252
ሞተር10 L
የሰውነት አይነትየስፖርት ብስክሌት
የነዳጅ ዓይነትPetrol
የሙቀት መጠን መቆጣጠሪያ ያለዉN/A
የአነዳድ ሁኔታN/A
የሻጮች አስተያየት
ተጨማሪ ይመልከቱ
ለሻጩ ይደውሉለት
+2772 204 9252
ለሻጩ ይደውሉለት
+2772 204 9252
The GSX-R750 has remained true to its original concept and championship-winning heritage. On the road or on the track, the GSX-R750 delivers a breathtaking combination of outstanding engine performance, crisp handling, compact size and light weight. Its secret is an unequaled pairing of 750cc performance with the lightweight, compact chassis of a 600 cc Supersport, complemented by technologically advanced suspension front and rear for more information contact on whatsapp+27722049252